A Visual Odometry Pipeline

Left: baseline visual odometry run on the KITTI dataset
Right: after adding local optimization, run on the same dataset. Scale drift is largely eliminated.
Left: baseline + local optimization, run on the KITTI dataset
Right: after adding global optimization, run on the same dataset. The loop is detected and corrected.

Abstract / Description

In this project, we implemented a monocular visual odometry (VO) pipeline with the most essential components: initialization of 3D landmarks, keypoint tracking between two frames, pose estimation using established 2D to 3D correspondences, and triangulation of new landmarks. Building upon this baseline VO, we incorporated local optimization (sliding-window bundle adjustment) to mitigate the scale drift, and global optimization (loop detection and loop correction) to transform the VO pipeline into a visual simultaneous localization and mapping (VSLAM) framework. The performance of the pipelines are evaluated on three different datasets: Parking, KITTI and Malaga.

Results / Conclusion